Two Words We Can All Relate To: Stress + Overwhelm

The words we hear often.

These are words we hear very often in our society. Some studies estimate that as many as 31% of adults suffer from some form of anxiety in the United States alone — yet open discussion of mental health often remains a taboo topic.

Occasional stress or anxiety are not typically problematic and can even help us in some situations. (When our brain senses danger, it will call in our amazing stress hormones!!) 

However, if left unchecked, we may quickly find ourselves in a position that makes it difficult to maintain daily life.

Here are some clues stress + anxiety may be playing a bigger part in your life than you realize:

  • Acne + skin problems

  • Headaches, Jaw pain

  • Chronic Pain

  • Frequent Sickness

  • Decreased Energy

  • Insomnia or waking up exhausted

  • Digestive Issues

  • Depression

  • Brain Fog

  • Racing Heart

  • Rapid Breathing

  • Excessive Sweating

  • Disrupted Hormones

So often, I think we have the idea that “what happens in our brain, stays only in our brain” — that somehow what we worry about, think about, fret over, feel anxious about, is only in our HEAD — but this could not be further from the truth. 

The impact of our thoughts, our stress, and our anxiety run rampant through our bodies and show up over and over in many different ways — often in physical ailments or in chemical imbalances. (All things that keep you from feeling Active and Balanced!) 

Today’s First Tip: Deep Breathing

It may seem counter-intuitive to “learn” how to breathe since we do it daily as an automatic function. But — when we intentionally move our breathing deeper into our diaphragm and slow down the inhale/exhale rate, really amazing things begin to happen in our bodies. God made us to be able to flood our bodies with oxygen and to slow down and BREATHE!

Second tip: Brain Dump!!

Hand over your cares to the One who can carry them! The God who loves you and your family! Brain dumping and journaling is a lovely way to LET GO..

Also —
Watch this quick video. Stress is often because of overwhelm, and this is an AMAZING way to start learning how to prioritize the things that need to be done!


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